Alive publication. Software support. Declaration
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an alive publication

To include an updated date of last revision in a bibliographic reference to an alive publication, you must

••• or for an alive publication to be hosted on arXiv — see the arXiv section for details,

••• or for an alive publication to be hosted on Preprints — see the Preprints section for details,

••• or for an alive publication to receive a DOI in Crossref — see the Crossref section for details,

••• or that the last revision date be explicitly announced in the alive publication file — the rules for such an declaration are described in this section.

The declaration of a file as an alive publication can be contained in html, pdf or MS Word files (.doc or .docx file name extensions).

In the html file, the head part must contain a meta element with the attribute name="DC.modified" and the content attribute containing the date of the last revision in the format yyyy-mm-dd, for example

<meta name="DC.modified" content="2020-03-22" />

For a pdf file, the date of the last revision is specified in a custom property named DC.modified. For example, you can enter a date in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC by going through the File » Properties » Custom path and specifying as the name of properties DC.modified. You can enter the date in the yyyy-mm-dd format (for example, 2020-03-22) or in the internal pdf format D:yyyymmdd (for example, D:20200322).

If Adobe Acrobat Pro is not available, and the pdf file is being prepared based on a file in TeX format, you can set the date of the last revision in the source TeX file. The date is also specified here in the user property DC.modified in the yyyy-mm-dd format. To do this, first connect the hyperref package

\usepackage {hyperref}

and then use the hypersetup command, for example

\hypersetup {pdfinfo={DC.modified={2020-03-22}}}

As a result, the generated pdf file will have the desired custom property.

Unfortunately, if the source file for pdf format is prepared in MS Word format, the scheme similar to the above scheme for TeX does not work. The user property set in the MS Word file is not passed to the resulting pdf file when translating to pdf using MS Word. That is, when working with the source MS Word file, you will not be able to set the date without Adobe Acrobat Pro.

However, if the MS Word file is intended for direct placement online (without conversion to pdf), then you can specify the date of the last revision. To do this, go through the File » Information » Properties » Advanced_properties » Custom path and add a property named DC.modified. Specify "Text" as the property type and set the date in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Горбунов-Посадов М.М. Интернет-активность как обязанность ученого. — М.: ИПМ им.М.В.Келдыша, 2008.
Last updated

Горбунов-Посадов М.М. Живая публикация // Открытые системы. — 2011, № 4. — С. 48–49.
Last updated
English version

Горбунов-Посадов М.М. ВАК в интернете // Информационные технологии и вычислительные системы. — 2011. — № 4. — С. 74-78.
Last updated

Горбунов-Посадов М.М. Персональная веб-страница ученого. — М.: ИПМ им.М.В.Келдыша, 2011.
Last updated

Горбунов-Посадов М.М. Препринты ИПМ им.М.В.Келдыша. — М.: ИПМ им.М.В.Келдыша, 2011.
Last updated

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