Alive publication. Software support. Reference
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Preparation of reference
to alive publication

To form in your document automatically updated date for the last edition of the alive publication, two conditions must be met:

••• in the alive publication file, the date of the last revision must be explicitly specified in a certain way,

••• the document receiving the updated date must be in HTML format.

The updated date is formed by a few simple manipulations. First of all, auxiliary string is inserted into the head part of the HTML document:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Further, we go directly to the date. You can insert an automatically updated date

••• or into a document containing a hyperlink to an alive publication,

••• or into a pop-up hint for a hyperlink to an alive publication,

••• or directly into the text of the alive publication itself.

Date in a document. To include an updating date in the text of the document, you must first assign a name to the alive publication in question. The name is assigned by means the id attribute in the element <a> linking to this alive publication. Then an empty element <output> with the p-alive class is used to include the alive publication updating date. The name of the alive publication is specified here by means the for attribute. For example, the element of a bibliographic references list of the form

<p>Gorbunov-Posadov M.M. Internet activity as a scientist's responsibility. &mdash; Moscow: Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2008. (in Russian) Last updated <output class="p-alive" for="test-name"></output>. &mdash; <a href="" id="test-name"></a></p>

a browser will turn into the following text:

Gorbunov-Posadov M.M. Internet activity as a scientist's responsibility. — Moscow: Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, 2008. (in Russian) Last updated

The updating dates of alive publications that have received DOI through Crossref or are posted in arXiv and Preprints preprints archives may be prepared somewhat differently.

Date in a hint. To include the updated date into the popup hint of a hyperlink to an alive publication, you must add the p-alive class to the corresponding <a> element, and include the characters "&asymp;&asymp;" into the title attribute text. The updating date will be inserted between these characters. For example, an in-text hyperlink

<a href="" class="p-alive" title="Last updated &asymp;&asymp;">Internet activity</a>

will have the form of Internet activity, i.e. the updated date will be inserted in the popup hint.

Own date. An alive publication not only indicates the date of its last revision in the <meta DC.modified YYYY-MM-DD> element, but it also typically displays that date to the reader directly in its text. The date for the reader, of course, must be updated in sync with the update of the date written to DC.modified. The author can manually monitor the synchronism of updating these dates. However, it is more technologically advanced to use the <output class="p-selfalive"></output> element. The date of the last revision specified in DC.modified will be automatically substituted in place of this element. For example, the HTML fragment

This section "Reference" was last edited on <output class="p-selfalive"></output>.

a browser will turn into the following text

This section "Reference" was last edited on .

Date format. The format of the output date is determined according to the language specified in the nearest enclosing HTML element that has the data-alive attribute. For example, if data-alive="ru", then the date format will be DD.MM.YYYY, if data-alive="en-us", then the date format will be MM/DD/YYYY. If data-alive="lang" is specified as the language, then the date is displayed according to the format dictated by the browser's language. If there is no enclosing element with the data-alive attribute, or if data-alive="iso" is specified, then the date is displayed in the format YYYY-DD-MM, i.e. according to the ISO 8601 standard.

Горбунов-Посадов М.М. Интернет-активность как обязанность ученого. — М.: ИПМ им.М.В.Келдыша, 2008.
Last updated

Горбунов-Посадов М.М. Живая публикация // Открытые системы. — 2011, № 4. — С. 48–49.
Last updated
English version

Горбунов-Посадов М.М. ВАК в интернете // Информационные технологии и вычислительные системы. — 2011. — № 4. — С. 74-78.
Last updated

Горбунов-Посадов М.М. Персональная веб-страница ученого. — М.: ИПМ им.М.В.Келдыша, 2011.
Last updated

Горбунов-Посадов М.М. Препринты ИПМ им.М.В.Келдыша. — М.: ИПМ им.М.В.Келдыша, 2011.
Last updated

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